Friday: Crucify Him!

Mar 21, 2021    Pastor Dan Spencer

Jesus Christ: His résumé is really quite simple. He was born into a working-class family. For the first 30 years of His life, all we know is that he was a craftsman, a carpenter. Jesus never married, never had children, never ran for political office, was never the CEO of a corporation, never travelled very far from His hometown.

And yet 2,000 years later Jesus is the most extraordinary, most widely-considered, most loved-and-hated person in human history. In fact, we break history based on His life into BC and AD, so that our calendar literally rotates around this one man, Jesus.

In the last two sessions we have looked at Wednesday and Thursday of Jesus’s last week. Today, we are going to talk through the events of that Friday from Mark 15. As we read, please keep in mind that all that happened on that day – Jesus knew it was coming; all that He suffered on that day – Jesus could have avoided. But He willingly went through with it, and we are going to find out why.